

1. Exercise 1: Find six (6) different academic sources, i.e., peer-reviewed, on the definition or attributes of transformational leadership. Elaborate on the definition or attribute from each source, and then use each source in a sentence with the correct citation. Lastly, reference them in the correct APA formatted Reference section.

2. Exercise 2: Find six (6) different academic sources, i.e., peer-reviewed, comparing and contrasting the differences between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Elaborate on the definition, or the attributes, or the differences from each method, and then use each source in a sentence with correct in-text citation. Lastly, reference them in the correct APA formatted Reference section.


Title Page:



1 inch all sides


Times New Roman; 12-point font


Double-spaced. 0 point before and after; left-justified


First line of each paragraph 1/2 inch


Separate page for each question – i.e., it starts its own page


Note that it should be:

Title page, then

Essay/answer for the first exercise question, then

The reference section for that question.

Essay/answer for the second exercise question, then

The reference section for that question.


· Acceptable Sources:  There are peer-reviewed requirements for each question, but in addition to the required sources, other sources are acceptable sources for the questions and answers are from government documents, databases, books, professional journals, refereed academic publications, and dissertations as they form the rationale and foundation for your comprehensive questions and answers.

· Unacceptable Sources: Anything “Wiki,” blogs, commercial websites, brochures, advertisements, and so forth.