3. Chapter 5-    pp 127-146

4. Review the 

5. Submit 

6. No discussion this week


Student Sample (with permission) Parts 1 and 2:  DNP_SWOT_Analysis_Part 1 and 2 Student Sample Spring 2019.docx

See the following reference for an example of a DNP Role SWOT Analysis,   Table 10-6, pp. 362-363 in 4th Edition of Zaccagnini and Pecheck

Areas to address in Part 1: In 10-12 pages, not including the references.

· Clear description of the specific DNP role of interest, why chosen

· Identifies if there is a gap in this role currently, why it is needed

· Differentiates b/w MSN and DNP in the role- what are the differences from a DNP perspective

· Conducts a SWOT analysis, with references for findings



1. You must use Turnitin- and review your similarity score. No plagiarism.

2. About 10-12 References within the last 5 years

3. Must use and the following references:

a. Read chapter 8 and 9  from Zaccagnini, M.,  &  Pechacek, J.  (2021).  The doctor of nursing practice essentials. (4th Ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

b. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021.  The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.  . 

c. Chapter 5-    pp 127-146

4.  Please provide in-text citations for all references