What is the situation that causes it to surface or be elevated now? What are the impacts of the issue? Who is impacted by it?

Internal Code – MAS6091 Healthcare Assignment Scenario 1 : Private health insurance customers have been invited by Health Minister make comment in on reforms to the industry following complaints insurers are not providing “value for money”. The Minister said recently that the public would be able to submit their views about their insurance schemes to the government in the coming weeks to inform future policies on the sector. The Minister is on record as saying that it is “important to recognise that consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with the value for money or lack thereof they are currently receiving from their private health insurance products”. The Minister has asked for a Briefing on the likely issues that will emerge when facing a press conference about this in the near future. As background, some media outlets are already reporting on likely private health insurance increases and questioning the value of private health insurance. As well as briefing the Minister on the issues of increases in premiums and value for money, she has specifically requested that she be briefed on the consequences of the decline in health insurance rates on public hospitals and health services. Scenario 2 : The Director-General is expecting that there will be questions asked in the Senate Inquiry into Quality and Safety in Australian Hospital in relation to Open Disclosure. In order to prepare for questions that may come from this inquiry, the Director-General has requested a briefing with regard to the current situation relating to Open Disclosure in Australia. Specifically, the Request for Briefing asked that history and background, any regulatory compliance requirements that exist at a State and Federal level, evidence of effectiveness and overall assessed acceptance by health professionals of the Open Disclosure process be discussed in the Brief. Questions : Why does the issue exist/how did the issue originate? What is the situation that causes it to surface or be elevated now? What are the impacts of the issue? Who is impacted by it? What is the local, national or global significance? What are the arguments in support of and in opposition to the issue? What work has been undertaken around the issue and what are the results? What constraints exist that limit the range of alternatives to addressing the issue? What are the risks or ramifications of not resolving or ignoring the issue? 21 total views, 2 views today

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