Who would you include in the community of interest when you are contemplating beginning a new nursing education program?

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 Review the competencies for the nurse educator role of your choice in the Nurse Educator Competencies textbook. Select one competency and share it with your classmates. Be sure to address why you selected the one you did. Discuss how you have already met it or how you plan to meet it as you embark on your journey as a nurse educator. Support your response with literature.
DQ2 How do you see health care reform affecting the role of the nurse educator? Use the literature to support your response. Be specific to your selected area of interest.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Find an article on a societal factor that is affecting nursing/patient education curriculum. Summarize your article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Discuss why you chose the article and what can be learned from this trend – how would you use it to improve the quality of nursing/patient education? This article and those posted by your classmates may become the foundation of your paper due in Topic 2. Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Please note: It is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of the article to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located if someone is interested in reading more. The article should come from a graduate-level journal, like an advanced practice journal or nursing education journal – not an entry-level journal like AJN, RN, Nursing, etc.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 Identify one group of stakeholders in curriculum development . How could you include your identified group of stakeholders in curriculum development for a program in your area of interest (academic/hospital-based or patient education)? Be specific in the steps to carry out your plan to include this group. Support your response with literature.
DQ2 Who would you include in the community of interest when you are contemplating beginning a new nursing education program? Support your response with literature.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 When you review various curricular plans, you may see a variety of terms. Some programs use the term “program outcomes” while others use the term “terminal objectives” for those actions that the student is expected to accomplish upon graduation. The same is true for individual courses. Some programs call the knowledge and skills that a student should master by the end of the course “course outcomes” while others use the term “course objectives.” All of the terms have a specified definition in literature and according to accreditation agencies. What are the similarities and differences between the terms according to the literature and to accrediting agencies? Select a program or course (other than GCU) and critique their use of these terms. Do they use them in a manner consistent with the literature and/or accreditation agencies or do they use them differently? Include your review of the program in your response to this discussion question. Support your response with literature. Your critique could be at the program level or at the course level. You do not need to do both levels.
DQ2 What would be important for you to know about the program’s philosophy, mission, and goals if you were interviewing for a position at that university? Why? Support your response with literature.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 The term andragogy is often used to describe Malcom Knowles’ theory of adult learning, while the term pedagogy was traditionally used to describe curriculum developed for children. Select a course you took lately and look for the principles of andragogy or pedagogy in the course structure. Share your findings with your classmates and whether or not you thought the curriculum was effective. Support your response with literature and with examples.
DQ2 What learning theory do you see as the foundation for this course? Support your response with literature and with examples.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 Complete the Learning Styles Inventory found at:
This is a free tool that you can take called the Learning Styles Inventory. Once you have obtain your results by answering the 20 questions, you will then answer the following questions: What is your personal learning style? How did your results compare to what you already knew about your personal learning style? How do you think your learning style affects your teaching style?
DQ2 How would Maslow’s hierarchy of needs affect a person’s readiness to learn? Include an example from your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient). Support your response with literature.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 Find a current (less than 5 years old) research article on domains of learning. Summarize the article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Explain why you chose this study and how you could use this information in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient). Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Be aware that it is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of an article by someone else to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located it if others are interested in reading it.
DQ2 Select a topic regarding the diversity in health care and write an objective from the affective domain for that topic.

NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1
Week 8 Discussion
DQ1 Find a research article on teaching diverse learners. Summarize the article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Explain why you chose this study and how you could use this information in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient). Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Be aware that it is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of an article by someone else to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located it if others are interested in reading it.
DQ2 Present two variables that you would consider when selecting a teaching strategy. Support your response with literature.

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