Write a final report about the story map that I will provide.


Every student should write & submit his/her own report.
Formatting requirements: 12 pt. font, singlespacing, at least 1000 words. Include the
following sections:
1. Summary of the whole story: background, analysis, and conclusion;
2. Critique your maps: in what ways the map design can be improved;
3. Connections to the course: what knowledge from the lectures or lab exercises youve
applied to making this final project;
4. Reflection: what you have learned in this process; what challenges you have overcome;
how you collaborated in the team project and especially your role/tasks.
5. References in APA format
Note: the final report will be checked by Turnitin & AI Detector. Absolutely no plagiarism!
Some texts from your Story Maps are allowed to be reused or rephrased here if written by you. Do
not directly quote sentences from external sources.

Here is the story map: