Writing Question

Family Interview Plan

The major assignment for this course is an interview of a Family and an assessment of Family characteristics which is due in Module 5/Week 5. You must schedule an interview to perform a family assessment during Module 1/Week 1. This interview will gather information for all of the weekly assignments. This family cannot be yours.

You may use any resources from week two through five. The Friedman Family Assessment Short Form will be very helpful to create your interview. Please schedule an interview to perform a family assessment during Module 1/Week 1. It is strongly recommended that you conduct this interview by Module 2/week 2. This does not need to be face to face.

In two to three sentences answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the types of things you will look for in the family.
  2. Provide a detailed plan with three areas of family assessment you will perform.
  3. What resources do you plan to use to complete the Family Assessment?
  4. What will be your greatest challenge in performing this interview?

Please fill in the blank in the attachment module 1 assignment 1 family to answer question.