Writing Question

  1. Read the information embedded in the UbD Introduction section and focus on the UbD links.
  2. What are the big ideas of UbD? How is this different from traditional planning?
  3. According to this guide, what are the “twin sins” of planning and teaching?
  4. Provide an overview of the Module and its impact on your future curriculum planning.
  5. Responses to the above questions/prompts should be typed using 12-point font.
    1. .chapter 6 Read chapter 7 in the text. This chapter focuses on the educational leader’s key role in curriculum evaluation and assessment of student learning. Curriculum evaluation involves making systemic judgements about the quality, or value, of educational programs in a school or district and developing strategies for improving those programs. When teachers measure students’ attainment of knowledge and skills for the purpose of making decisions about their teaching, they are engaging in formative evaluation. Teachers use the results of formative evaluations to make decisions about what curricular experiences are appropriate for students. When teachers use measurements of student learning to determine grades at the end of a unit, semester, or year, and decide whether students are ready to proceed to the next phase of their education, they are engaging in summative evaluation. Summative evaluations provide educational leaders and teachers with an overview of student learning across a broad range of knowledge and skills. Assessment provides information that educational leaders use to determine the degree to which curriculum goals are being attained in a school and to deand improvement..
  6. Chapter 7 :