Writing Question

4. This paper # 2 MUST include: Cover page (1 page), Introduction, Body, and Conclusion (2-3 pages), References on a separate page (1-2 pages) with at least five (5) sources.

5. Format: APA, 7th Edition

6. Font: Times New Roman 12 point

7. The Thesis Statement must be clear, underlined, and at the end of the introductory paragraph. It also must contain 2 sub points that will be developed in body paragraphs 2 and 3. Body paragraph 3 must have the Counterargument and Refutation

8. The paper must have one Counterargument and Refutation paragraph where you acknowledge one or two opposing views and provide an effective rebuttal with evidence for each.

9. Documentation: You must use at least three (3) sources from reliable databases; ProQuest Central ( FNU LIRN) is highly recommended.

10. There must be at least 1 in-text citation in each of the body paragraphs including the counterargument paragraph.

*Do NOT use Wikipedia, Infoplease, Answers.com, WebMd, or Psychology Today as a source.

11. You must use Level 1 heading (Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase), and for each of the body paragraphs, use Level 2 heading (Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading).

and remember the 3rd paragraph needs to have 2 counterarguments and 2 refutations.