Writing Question

How many times have you been persuaded to buy an item you dont really need, simply because of the appeal of its advertisement? How many citizens have been persuaded to vote for X candidate by the campaign ads and images spread all over the city/state/country? For some, images are more effective than words or text in presenting a situation or event and making claims about it. Although some authors argue that visuals cannot be considered arguments (Fleming; Johnson), others claim that visual arguments comprise their own relevant category with great intrinsic value (Roque 8)

For Part 1, you will select a visual argument (a commercial or social ad, a political campaign ad, among others) and analyze the elements used to construct the argument, what the visual appeals to, and the assumed ideologies behind the construction of your chosen visual. You will also evaluate the visual from a rhetorical perspective, bringing to the front the potential implications and consequences of the arguments presented through the visual. You will then produce an analytical/evaluating report of your chosen visual.

For Part 2, you will create your own visual argument (image, ad, video, among others). You will take into consideration the elements of rhetorical situations to construct your visual. For this, you will conduct some research to find sources and evidence supporting your position regarding the issue you decide to portray through your visual. You must also consider what your argument will be based on (Pathos, Ethos, Logos, Kairos), and how this can affect the way in which your visual is perceived. Think about your work for Part 1. How can you use the results of your analysis and evaluation to your benefit? What elements can you adopt and adapt from the visual you previously analyzed? How can you avoid mistakes or fallacies in your argument? Most visual arguments are accompanied by verbal content, and you can certainly make use of verbal elements in your visual arguments. However, you need to make sure that the visual elements are the main focus of your arguments and that verbal elements should be used as a complement where necessary. If you choose to create a video, make sure this does not become a documentary film, videos should not be longer than a minute (producing a video can be somewhat time-consuming).

Works Cited

Fleming, David. Can Pictures be Arguments? Argumentation and Advocacy, 33, no 1, 1996, pp. 11-22
Johnson, Ralph H. Why visual arguments arent arguments. Informal Logic at 25. Ed. In: Hans V. Hansen et al. Windsor, Ontario: University of Windsor, 2003.
Roque, Georges, “What Is Visual in Visual Argumentation?” (2009). OSSA Conference Archive. 137. Retrieved from:

Project requirements

  • 2000 2500 words
  • AT LEAST 5 external sources (ALL SCHOLARLY)
  • 12-point Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font, Double-spaced
  • MLA/APA format (see Purdue OWL if you need help).