Writing Question

Choose 3 abstract topics, per abstract assignment (see list below), typed 300-word summary per topic, researched and summarized in your own words, on the abstract topics that you have chosen. All abstract assignments should be typed on Microsoft Word document only, double space, theme font: Times New Roman and font size: 12 for all assignments. Be sure to cite your sources. Abstracts are due before 11:59PM by the deadline date posted by the instructor.

Abstract assignments are graded based on:

  1. summarize details per topic (in your own words)
  2. format (use abstract examples as a guide)
  3. 300-word count minimum per topic
  4. Work cited
  5. File submission/attachment standard

Assignments sent by via-emails will not be accepted. Follow the course calendar in the syllabus. (Google docs, Google drive, PDF, Typed in “Submission Text” & other docs are NOT accepted)!!!

Submit your abstracts in the Drop Box Submissions before deadline!

Abstract Topics

What Really Causes Oxidative Damage

Understanding Ulcers

The Truth About Exercise and Weight Loss

The Fundamental Link Between Body Weight and The Immune System

Stress and Health Psychological, Behavioral, & Biological Determinants

Smoking Causes Extensive Damage to DNA

8 Warning Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Alcoholism Treatment

Alkaline Diets

Americans Are Not Getting The Message About Exercising More

Calcium Supplements & Your Heart

Enhancing Performance With Sports Nutrition & Supplements

Erythritol The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly With This Common Sweetener

Flu Can Significantly Increase Your Risk Of A Heart Attack

Get The Fact About Shingles

Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

How Sugar Ruins Your Health

Low Back Pain Treatment

Risk Factors For Melanoma Skin Cancer

Should I Take A Multivitamin


Zika Virus

Antibiotics: Less Is More

Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks

Physical Activity and Nutrition

Overweight and Obesity

Mental Health

Environmental Quality

Health Consequences of Eating Disorders

How Can We Help Children Maintain a Healthy Body Weight?

How Dangerous are Long-Term Consequences of Anorexia?

What Are Side Effects of Blood Transfusion?

Types of Eating Disorders

The Best Strategies to Maintain Healthy Body Weight

Psychological Issues of Breast Cancer

Fast Food Consumption and Obesity

Obesity As a Medical and Social Problem

Influence of Environmental Factors on Mental Health

Drug Misuse and Mental Disorders

Alcohol Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders

Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness on Severe Mental Disorders

Mental Health Benefits Associated with Physical Activity

Stress As a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders

Depression and Anxiety Disorders Among Adults

Economic Burden of Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Influence of Anxiety Disorders on the Quality of Life