Writing Question

3 to 4 pages double-spaced

Use Arial Font

Use Ethos Pathos and logos

you may need multiple paragraphs discussing ethos, for example. And remember the absence of a feature that makes an argument more effective can give you just as much to say as the presence of it.


In addition to arguing a position, you will also employ the skill of synthesis, integrating sources/various perspectives into your writing. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of synthesis is: The putting together of parts or elements so as to make up a complex whole; the combination of immaterial or abstract things, or of elements into an ideal or abstract whole. (Opposed to ANALYSIS 1.) Also, the state of being put so together.


Your fourth essay will answer this question: To what extent should the rights of social media users be protected? In other words, should content on social media be protected under the First Amendment, and should users privacy/data be protected (under the Fourth Amendment)?

Your thesis will take one position on the debate, answering the question above, and you must synthesize sources with your own perspective. You will rely on at least THREE sources from the readings in the syllabus to support your conclusions. Hence, there must be in-text citations AND a works cited page in proper MLA format.

Andersens or

Balkin and Zittrains or


Hararis or


Leetarus or

Neocleouss or

Soloves PDF: published on this


15% of the overall course grade

12-pt. font in Times New Roman

3 to 4 FULL pages in length; any less results in grade deductions

One-inch margins

Specific title

MLA formatting standards (Consult for guidance.)


Is focused and well-organized, with effective use of transitions and logical order