Category: Astronomy

Graphing an HR diagram

On the graph attached, plot every one of the nearest stars using an On the same graph, plot every one of the brightest stars as seen from Earth using a If the stars appear on both lists, just circle the star to represent both symbols Compare your graph with the H-R diagram at the top […]

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Astronomy Question

In this exercise, you will apply the scientific method and critical thinking to a familiar, sometimesmisunderstood situation. You will plan and carry out your own observations and measurementsoutside of class, and submit a report on your work.The full moon is on February 24th so you will need to make your measurements sometimebetween February 21st and […]

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Wonders of the Night Sky 2

Learning Goal: I’m working on a astronomy question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Answer to the questions from the attachment. You may submit your work either on paper or make a video of your discussion, as if you were telling this to a TV audience, showing your drawing and explaining […]

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