Category: Education

edu writing 3(1)

  Read the comprehensive, in-depth case study of a student (see Appendix B) who has difficulty reading and a scenario involving the student. Based on the information provided, use the knowledge gained throughout this course and other courses in the program to make recommendations and draw conclusions about You should include a scaffolded reading plan […]

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Relational Advice Vlog

  Part I- In 250 words, write out a brief description of a scenario in which someone is having trouble understanding the role of context, emotion, or listening in a relationship. It doesnt have to be a conflict, just a situation that could benefit from your advice based upon what you have learned in class. […]

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Benchmark – Literacy Centers

  Technology has become an essential piece of the learning environment. Everyone learns differently, and technology plays an important role in assisting all types of learners. Technology can be used to motivate and engage students through interactive reading programs. Technology can connect reading instruction to the real world, promote collaboration, and expose students to rigorous […]

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March Madness

  Identifying one student from the Class Profile who would benefit from additional intervention, complete a behavior intervention plan to include: Behavior Goals and how they will be measured Interventions and Frequency of Interventions Person Responsible In a short response to describe strategies teachers can use to respond to challenging behavior during classroom instruction.  Describe […]

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military history (coco)

  Part I: What actions did the United States take in response to the attack at Pearl Harbor? Look at where the military focused its efforts in preparing for a long and bloody conflict in response to the global threats. Part II: What was the single biggest shortcoming in the U.S military that needed to be addressed? […]

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  Please select one of the case studiesYour discussion should include a summary and critique of the case study. Also, the assignment should show how using an interdisciplinary perspective is beneficial to the issue discussed.  Guidelines for the case study summary/critique A summary of a research article requires you to share the article’s key points so your […]

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  Please select one of the following topics to discuss in your journal entry. Make sure to connect this learning to your own interpersonal communication/relational experiences. Provide concrete lived experience examples. 1. How can Mindful Listening impact daily lives positively? CH6. 2. What is Mindfulness, and how does it impact communication and relationships? 3. How do […]

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  Please select one of the case studiesYour discussion should include a summary and critique of the case study. Also, the assignment should show how using an interdisciplinary perspective is beneficial to the issue discussed.  Guidelines for the case study summary/critique A summary of a research article requires you to share the article’s key points so your […]

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life and living

   After watching the video below, answer each question. What is loss and Grief? (In your own words) Do you believe everyone goes through some form of the “5 Stages of Grief”? Have you experience grief and/or Loss? How did it impact your life? How can/ would you help someone to overcome grief?

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life and living des

   After watching the video below, answer each question. What is loss and Grief? (In your own words) Do you believe everyone goes through some form of the “5 Stages of Grief”? Have you experience grief and/or Loss? How did it impact your life? How can/ would you help someone to overcome grief?

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