Category: Education

Discussion 1

Can you help me with this please?  Discussion Instructions:Follow the instructions below to participate in this discussion forum. NOTE: Do not post attachments! Copy the discussion prompts below (highlight the text, right-click, and select Copy). Create a new thread using your last name and module number (Example: Smith_Module1). Paste the discussion prompts (Right-click in the […]

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Integrating Current and Past Literature

  This activity gives you the chance to assess past and current scholarly research addressing concepts related to a new problem and gap in practice. The business story you draw from allows you to analyze a problem and gap in a specific business context while analyzing how past and current literature informs your identified problem […]

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Informal Assessment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop a rubric for emergent reading skills in four year old children.  Directions:  For this assignment, you will :  Design a rubric for emerging reading skills in four-year-olds following the guidelines below.  Find objectives for beginning readers to develop the characteristics for different stages of development. Study […]

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Linguistics Video Reaction

 by providing an ethnographic analysis. Write a response to the video below not exceeding 1200 words. YouTube link: Question: Using the Ethnographic Analysis of Discourse, explain what is happening in the video and refer to the relevant speech acts. In what way(s) do the speech acts contribute to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the […]

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Administrative Processes and Health Care Management

  As a practice manager, you will use planning and organizing skills daily to ensure quality of care. As a health care manager, how could you use the skills of planning and organizing to continually improve quality?   How could you improve these skills to be a more effective manager? What is an example of planning or […]

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Quality Assurance Interview

You are being considered for a health care manager position at a local health care facility. The job description for this position emphasizes the need for quality assurance and improvement through tracking outcomes and analyzing the data. The first step in the interview process is to provide written answers for a series of questions sent to you by the […]

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Privacy and Confidentiality Report

 Privacy and confidentiality are the key fundamental elements for building trust between a health care provider and the patient. When compromised or breached, the patientprovider relationship can suffer, making for potentially poor outcomes. In the Privacy and Confidentiality Report template, you will review a real-life scenario in which Ben Smithfield observes potential areas of concern […]

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APA reference

Module 11: Case Studies Review the information given to determine and identify the speech and language needs for each of the four students (Jim, Michelle, Ashley, Cody, and (Jeannine-sample provided) and plan language facilitation programs that will meet their language needs in the classroom. There should be at least three sections (with headings).  The first […]

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APA cite references

Module 10: AAC Module Assignment Choose one of the AAC Learning Center Moodule AAC Modules to complete online: AAC for Children: An Introduction  -OR- Alternative Access.  You will need to first create an account at   Go to the Overview Module page of the module you wish to complete to select it: (Module Length: 50 […]

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No plagiarism, citation, Apa, references

Module 10: Reading Reflection Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the online reading of Assessing Students Needs for Assistive Technology (2009) by Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative () and to deepen your understanding of the teaching of thinking, as it relates to the assigned readings. Complete a three-paragraph reflection on both chapters with headings […]

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