Category: Education

Self-Concept and Relational Communication

  Write a 1,000 word applying what you have learned about the study of relational communication thus far in the class by doing the following: After reviewing this topics assigned readings, explain the role of self-concept, identity, or self-perception in relationships (think about Goffmans distinction between front region and back region or Identity Management Theory). […]

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Cognitive Development and Learning

  Discuss Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories as well as information processing theory. Include the key points of the theories. Explain how each impacts student learning. Discuss the key points of the three types of cognitive learning. Identify the similarities between the three types of cognitive learning. Identify the differences between the three types of cognitive […]

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Integrating Content into Literacy Lesson Plan

  Integrating reading with other content areas like math, science, and/or social studies is a way to show students how the content areas are connected and help students apply reading skills across content areas. Integration often requires the teacher to identify a standard from both content areas and develop a lesson that assesses both standards. […]

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Contexts Shaping Relational Communication

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.   1. What are the main differences between masculine and feminine communication styles, and how do they influence male/female, male/male, and female/female relationships? How do cultural perceptions of male/female differences compare to biblical differences and how […]

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Foundational Principles

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.   1. How do perceptions of self and others influence the way people form personal relationships, maintain personal relationships, or end personal relationships?  2. Online communication environments undoubtedly shape the way you think about and present […]

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week 7 discussion

Consider the How can you apply each of them to your research and Profile of a Graduate Signature Assignment? Your responses to your peers should include elements such as follow-up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, requests for further clarification, or explanations of some points made by your classmates.

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617 writing 1

  Create and narrate a PowerPoint that could be presented to other teachers in your subject area explaining the application of the Key Shifts in English Language Arts in your content area instruction. You will use information from your readings and your understanding of incorporating standards into your content area in order to enhance student […]

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Education Week 9 assignments

A lesson plan is a written document that lays out how a teacher will present instruction on a daily basis. It is important to know that most lesson plan templates have several components that require completion.   you are provided the , in which you will identify the learning theory that is applicable to the two […]

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Who Am I

Reflection: Who am I? Purpose: This assignment aims to reflect on the readings and discussions as you relate to your own family experience and how it might influence your work with families of children with special needs. You should interview your family members to dig deeper and try to understand as much as you can about […]

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