Category: Education

TSL4081 (Emergent bilingual interview)

Please see the attached documents for instructions on the assignment.  *MUST BE 2 PAGES, DOUBLE-SPACED. The student is a 5th-grade girl she recently moved to Hialeah, Fl, and started schooling in the United States this school year after moving from Cuba, the student speaks very little to no English, but she has advanced a lot […]

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  Consider all of the designs we have discussed. Select a behavior and an intervention and indicate which design you could implement to determine the validity of the intervention. Answer the following questions: Who would your participant(s) be? Do not enter any identifying information. For example you may have “Student A was a 14-year old […]

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BFM development and analysis (15%) First, students will analyze the versions of the Baptist Faith & Message since its first adoption (1925), noting important differences and changes in its iterations. This should be provided as a comparison chart of about 1 page. Then include an analysis on the reason or significance of the changes of […]

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res883 dq 1 and 2

   Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to […]

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Operations Decisions vs. Legal and Regulatory Requirements

  As a health care manager, how do your operations decisions and legal and regulatory requirements impact each other? Provide examples. Discussion 2 Should all healthcare decisions be based on patient safety or legal and regulatory compliance? Why or why not? Discussion 3 How do you deal with limited resources when you are responsible for providing quality […]

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Program Logistics

As you assemble your draft plan, include the following new elements: A program schedule, with staffing needs for each segment of the program, including any overlapping tasks (for example, ongoing session and break refreshments preparation).  Program budgets, using the structures provided on pages 12a12f of the Caffarella and Daffron text. A description of a comprehensive […]

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Reading Lesson Observation and Interview

 Teachers use formal and informal assessment strategies throughout their lessons to identify student needs. If students who require intervention are identified, the teacher will often work with a student or with a small group of students on a particular skill.    Observe your mentor teacher implementing one or more reading lessons to a small group […]

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   1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins. Author-Date reference format for sources you cite (for example, Szczurek 2020) The questions for this response is:  How did ancient societies think of the relationship between the individual and the State? How does this compare to contemporary ways of thinking about this […]

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Discussion post: Module 7 ICL 7659

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 1988, do you believe the information is compelling because it would provide American students with an alternative view of socialism? Furthermore, what of the more compelling arguments/points made in the reading grabbed your attention? Discussion Question 2: What stands out after reading the article […]

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   q1 Describe any feeling you have had that are similar to the Blues  q2 n this week you get to put yourself in the position of the person who has a total loss of home and vehicle(s) due to a flood or fire. you only escape with what is on your back, even your […]

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