Category: Geology

Geology Question

Topic:Anything in geology you would like to write a paper about Format: Double spaced12-point font Introduction, body, conclusion format 2 – 10 pages; as many as you need to effectively and thoroughly addressyour topic Complete sentences; proper grammar, etc..Content:Logical flow to thoughts Information within correct portions of the paper; i.e. introductory info inintroduction, supporting/interesting info […]

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Homework questions about earthquake

E-Text Assignment ( Due Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024; 11pm (Considered late after 11AM) Testing Your Knowledge Page 410 Assigned numbers: 1 through 22 Directions: 1) Use MS Word document only. Write each question, highlight or underline each answer. 2) Please number them the same numbers as in your E-Text. 3) Upload your assignment below […]

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Geology Question

Go to Choose Virtual Earthquake Go all the way down on webpage, choose Execute Virtual Earthquake Follow the instructions (choose one earthquake location etc.) Fill out the information at the end Take a screenshot of your certificate Upload your certificate here in Canvas for this assignment Please use the name ‘Bipul Mahat’ if you need […]

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