Category: Programming


JUBAIL INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCS 361 COMPUTER AND NETWORK SECURITY Semester 452Research project PART I Researching: In a group of three students, you are asked to select a topic in the field of Cybersecurity. Readthoroughly in the selected topic and summarize your understanding and findings in a researchreport. You should read […]

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PART I Researching: In a group of three students, you are asked to select a topic in the field of Cybersecurity. Readthoroughly in the selected topic and summarize your understanding and findings in a researchreport. You should read and summarize at least 9 published papers in the topic you selectedand those papers should be published […]

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Programming Question

u have to use APA Style 7th you have to citation from research paper between 2019 until 2023 You do not have to use ChatGtp or the same AI. You have to use the research paper between 2019 and 2023 You have to use a review research paper. No plagiarism You have to check here […]

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Programming Question

Government agencies play a pivotal role in public health initiatives Their are some key impacts of government agencies on public health initiatives: 1. **Policy Development**: Government agencies formulate policies that shape public health initiatives. These policies can range from healthcare financing and insurance coverage to regulations on food safety, tobacco control, vaccination programs, and environmental […]

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Typing work

EXAM NOTICE It is heavily in turned to all on start and students thank here! intermer the 2nd Internal framgation of postponed due to come 1st yr se & commence +2 1st Unavoidable circumstances. The new schedule of the ofrecaid examgation is as Follows. 375 1371 Date 22.01.2024 eole )2 2167 24.01 2024 25.01 2024 […]

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COMP – 10205 – Data Structure and Algorithms

You are to write a program that will attempt to optimize the time it takes to process customers in check–out lines inside a grocery store. You will use the Queue data structure for this assignment.The general idea is to always place customers in the best checkout line possible. This will be based onthe total number […]

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Network Solution Proposal

I dont know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance. Open Attached Files for Instructions Using this case study, you are to identify a minimum of five (5) requirements, analyze them, and offer a proposal that provides FractalApps with a converged network solution and explains how the components of the solution, and […]

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CS5700 – Project Assignment 2Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsFebruary 18, 2024Deadline: Sunday, March 10th, by midnightSubmission Format: PDF file containing code and screenshotsLate Submissions: No late submissions will be acceptedAccepted Programming Languages: Java, Python, C, or C++Work Ethic: Academic integrity is of utmost importance. Each student is expected to complete this assignment independently, without seeking help from […]

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