Category: R


This project is about over-fitting and it is based on chapter 6 Statistical Machine Learning from Practical Statistics for Data Scientists. Files needed:Cover in the project the following: Explain the data from figure P4p4F1.pdf. Explain the differences in (a) and (b) parts in figure P4p4F2.pdf. Try to recreate with R or Octave, as close as […]

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Fundamentals of Data Science

The final exam will comprise a mix of theoretical questions and practical applications covering the entire course. This exam is designed to assess your understanding of various statistical models, their applications, and your proficiency in using statistical software tools such as RapidMiner, Python, and Excel for data analysis. The exam is worth 95 points in […]

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Statistical Analysis with R

The data for Modeling Assignment #1 is the Nutrition Study data below.t is a 16 variable dataset with n=315 records. The data was obtained from medical record information and observational self-report of adults. The dataset consists of categorical, continuous, and composite scores of different types. A data dictionary is not available for this dataset, but […]

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