Category: Science

What is my leadership philosophy?

There are three options for your writing sample: You may include a recent (within the last two years) writing sample from your professional or academic work that includes citations and a list of references. If you do not have a recent writing sample on file, you may write an original, maximum 500-word academic essay addressing […]

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Rhetorical Analysis Writing

you are to provide a 5-6 page (11 pt. regular font, double-spacednotice the page length is a little longer) rhetorical/argumentative analysis, this timefocusing on the The Oracle Science Article (it was also a podcast, and though you canstill find the original article here, the podcast is no longer there). You will again be usingconcepts discussed […]

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care of the older adult

Course Competency: Compare the care models for nursing practice specific to the older adult. Transferable Skill: Information Literacy: Discovering informationreflectively, understanding how information is produced and valued, and usinginformation to create new knowledge and participate ethically in communities oflearning. Your nursing supervisor likes the topic you chose for the in-service presentation and wants you to […]

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DIALYSIS: include both Peritoneal vs hemodialysis (also include arteriovenous fistula and graft information)

8-10 slides on Powerpoint Topic (Cover Page and Reference Page EXCLUDED) Topics will be assigned in class Must use 2-3 scholarly articles from LEARN 2-3 in-text APA Citations ( Turn In It score MUST be less than 20% Slides must include Etiology, Nursing Interventions, Patient Education, Treatment (if applicable) References plagyarisim check

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  Select a published study in a behavior analytic journal that uses a  multiple baseline design and evaluate its adherence to the requirements for making comparisons across baselines. Be sure to reference the article in APA format.  In your post, include the following: Identify the experimental question and purpose of the study. (5 points) Identify […]

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To locate and attend an AA and NA meeting online

(1)Locate an open AA and NA meeting; (2)Attend the meeting; (3)Provide evidence of attendance to the meeting; and (4)Answer the following questions associated with AA/NA meeting. The organization/persons sponsoring the meeting. The date and time of the meeting. A brief history, purpose, and characteristic of the meeting from the literature, didactic information resource please give […]

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Science Question

Please watch the southeast 67 documentary on the streaming services provided on the website. Please write a reflection paper and discuss your feelings/ reactions to the documentary; please list ONE nursing diagnosis associated with the topic of Substance Use and Addiction Disorders, and detail nursing interventions, and outcome criterion; no more than 2 pages in […]

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nsg617Policy and Politics in Nursing and Healthcare

Your local healthcare official has asked you to prepare a paper of 57 pages, excluding the title and reference pages, about a policy that will improve the health of the community. Complete the following: Review a situation in your local community, region, or state that you would like to see changed. Develop a policy that […]

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