Category: Supply Chain

TLMT500 D001 Winter 2024

This is the completion of your STOP research paper from prior assignments. Week 8-Part 4: Complete and submit your Sustainable Transportation Operations Plan (STOP) Paper for a supply chain of an organization of your choice. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your STOP should include background about the organization, […]

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BUSN501 D002 Winter 2024

Instructions Paper Find an article in the library and find a flaw in an argument. Write a 1000 word paper in APA format. Include a minimum of three references. Research in the APUS library about common flaws in arguments and fallacies. Organization of the assignment: Paragraph 1: Introduction Include a brief review of the article’s […]

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Principles of Operations Management

Case 1: Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce plc, a UK-based aircraft engine manufacturer, shifted its focus from being a product/technology firm to providing aftermarket services. Rolls-Royce was the first to introduce power-by-hour assistance in the aircraft industry. Customers paid a set maintenance cost for each hour an aircraft was in flight, specifically for the duration when the aero […]

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Vendor questionnaire

Week 5: Vendor Questionnaire After reading chapters 10, 11, & 12 of the textbook. Create a vendor questionnaire, no more than two pages in length. The questionnaire should include: A brief background on the vendor selection process Vendors/suppliers quality qualifications Questions and criteria that a prospective vendor must meet in order to engage in business […]

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Week 5 projections and cost management

What is their purchasing strategy concerning projections? How do they possibly know how many costumes to order to meet Halloween demand? Besides the actual inventory, what other business factors are determined by setting good projections? We discussed much about price, costs, and profit last week. What are their biggest cost considerations? Discuss one learning about […]

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Supply Chain Question

Assignment must include: The project must be indexed and page numbering Cover page and make sure to include the cover page with all information required. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page. A title that well represents the content of your report. Table of contents. An opening paragraph. The main body […]

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Supply Chain Question

Hello , I hope you receive the message in the best of conditions . Please perform the task with full conscience. I also don’t want the copying percentage to exceed 30%, because the teacher sent the assignment rules. If the copy percentage is more than 30%, a score of 0 is obtained . Also, I […]

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Supply Chain Question

Hello , I hope you receive the message in the best of conditions . Please perform the task with full conscience. I also don’t want the copying percentage to exceed 30%, because the teacher sent the assignment rules. If the copy percentage is more than 30%, a score of 0 is obtained . Also, I […]

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BUS443 Quality Management for Organizational Excellence

Discussion 1 Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Review the film . Review Chapters 1 and 2 in the course textbook Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence. Review the weekly lecture for this week. Study the infographic Summary of W. Edwards Demings famous 14 points for Management. Select your organization or an organization […]

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Supply Chain Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a supply chain case study and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. I need help in completing the case study assignment – Instructions files attached, please refer to that. SUBMISSION FORMAT: 1. Please submit your case study ensuring you include all Appendices and supporting documents. 2. The […]

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