compare and contrast two books Jonathan Grubers Health Care Reform ( and John Goodmans Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis.

Business Healthcare Economics
1. compare and contrast two books Jonathan Grubers Health Care Reform ( and John Goodmans Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis. The paper should
a. A section that is a brief comprehensive summary of the Gruber book and parts III and IV of the Goodman book (I encourage students to read parts I and II of the Goodman book but I do not require
students to write about it)
b. A section where each book is analyzed and critiqued (the whole Gruber book and parts III and IV of the Goodman book) separately using solid economic theory.
i. This section should include an evaluation of the authors arguments being sure to cite the strengths and weaknesses found; that is what did the authors do well (and why is it right) what
didnt they do well (and why isnt it the best approach) what could they have done differently etc.
c. A section where each book is compared and contrasted jointly (the whole Gruber book and parts III and IV of the Goodman book) using solid economic theory.
i. This section should compare and contrast the primary ideas of each author (dont get bogged down in the details which can be a trap). What are the main differences? What are the main

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