Data Analytics Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics question and need guidance to help me learn.


1. Take a few minutes to explore the impressive database of over 900,000 slave ships voyages across the Atlantic Ocean over three centuries. Watch the short videos from the site: and the .

2. Use the to find answers to the following questions.

TIP: Make use of the 2 rows of Tabs (Summary statistics, Tables, Data Visiualization, Timeline…; First Row: Years Ranges, Ship, nation, owner, Itinerary).

For help with this database, watch this Tutorial:

For this RR, you can enumerate your answers.

  1. What was the average length of the Middle Passage in days?
  2. What percentage of enslaved peoples documented in this database were children?
  3. What percentage of slaves embarked died during voyage?
  4. Set the Itinerary (in Top Row tabs) to Place where captives were landed: Mainland North America. Then look at the results in Summary Stats, Tables, Data Visualization, Timeline, Maps, Timelapse. Using any of these data views, tell me:
      1. In which North American British colonies did most enslaved peoples land between 1651-1675. What were the totals for each colony? (Use Tables; click the 1651-1675 date range; Change Column to Principal place of Landing > now look for answer)
      2. Between what years (year range) did most enslaved peoples land on the mainland North America. What was the total number for those years?
      3. Select one slave voyage that landed in New York in the 18th century. Tell me everything you can about that voyage in a narrative paragraph. (Do not list this info. Imagine you were sharing what you learned about this voyage in a newspaper or textbook.)