Category: Data Analytics

Data Analytics Question

Throughout this course, you have learned quite a few things about Business Analytics.For this assignment, you will develop a 4-5 page, (double spaced), APA formatted paper in which you: 1. Discuss the past, present, and potential future implications and uses of Business Analytics and Modeling. You may choose a specific field or give a detailed […]

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Design a Program Logic for the Picnics R Us case

Assignment-4 Program Logic DesignInstructions:Design a Program Logic for the Picnics R Us case [Refer to Assignment#1; Assignment#2;and Assignment#3 on Canvas, under Assignments]Guidelines:A program logic model sets out the resources and activities that comprise the program,and the changes that are expected to result from them. It visually represents therelationships between the program inputs, goals and activities, […]

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need someone who good at using qualtrics and spss, revise a report for Empirical Case Study Report in marketing

The repost is about Empirical Case Study Report in Marketing & Consumer Psychology Although The report has done, But still need revise most parts. The research method need to use qualtrics and spss and data analysis. For example, you have completed the questionnaire, and the data is simulated with random numbers and normal distribution. Each […]

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need someone who good at using qualtrics and spss, revise a report for Empirical Case Study Report in marketing

The repost is about Empirical Case Study Report in Marketing & Consumer Psychology Although The report has done, But still need revise most parts. The research method need to use qualtrics and spss and data analysis. For example, you have completed the questionnaire, and the data is simulated with random numbers and normal distribution. Each […]

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Data Analytics Question

Exercise 14 (p. 63) – An electronics superstore SimQuick model (50 points) Part a (25 points): For each scenario in the previous table, run 500 simulations and report the overall mean service level and the estimated total cost. Part b (10 points): Does this new reorder point (i.e., 25) achieve the desired service level of […]

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Data Analytics Question

Exercise 14 (p. 63) – An electronics superstore SimQuick model (50 points) Part a (25 points): For each scenario in the previous table, run 500 simulations and report the overall mean service level and the estimated total cost. Part b (10 points): Does this new reorder point (i.e., 25) achieve the desired service level of […]

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I have an dissction

Instructions Reply to this post with a written entry will no less than 100 words and up to 250 words. Each entry must contain some reference to either the course book (page) or an external reference (URL for example). You also must reply to another post (at least a response with at least two sentences). […]

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Data Analytics Question

In this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of univariate analysis in RStudio. In this assignment, you will be using the Excel data file from the Assignment 3 page on Canvas. From this example data, a firm would like you to compute demographic statistics that it can use on its diversity dashboard. Each of the […]

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QSO-560 Data visualization- Must have Power BI

Overview You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza ingredients to various restaurants. These ingredients include dough, sauces, and toppings. Your organization wants to expand its customer base but does not know what kind of restaurant or which U.S. region to target. You have been given a that is a representative sample […]

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