Describe the nature of each issue and why it has proven to be a problem. Issue 1:

Using a pay-for-performance (P4P) approach when compensating physicians has enjoyed considerable popularity among employers as a complement to their managed consumerism health benefits strategy. Health plans are responding by implementing a variety of different P4P programs. The early experience with these programs suggests that while attractive in the abstract they can be very difficult for individual health plans to implement effectively.
Identify and discuss three significant implementation issues that have emerged as health plans have tried to put physician P4P programs in place. Describe the nature of each issue and why it has proven to be a problem.
Issue 1:
Issue 2:
Issue 3:
Your assignment should be no longer than four pages (double-spaced 10 point font or larger). Please include references and citations and put quotes in quotation marks where appropriate.
Note to the writer:
Ill attach the lecture handout also i add some references link below
1- Delbanco S. The payment reform landscape: Pay-for-performance. Health Affairs Blog March 4 2014.
2- Goitein L. The argument against reimbursing physicians for value. JAMA Internal Medicine 2014;174(6):845-846.
3- McKethan A. Jha A.K. Designing smarter pay-for-performance programs. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2014;312(24):2617-2618.
4- McClellan M Patel K Latts L Dang-Vu C. Implementing value-based insurance products: a collaborative approach to health care transformation. Health Policy Issue Brief. The Brookings Institute June 2015.

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