discuss dashboard balanced scorecard or performance measurement. Write a brief review of the articles and give complete citations.

In healthcare the terms balanced scorecard and dashboard are used to describe performance measurement tools that are both broad in scope and yet summarized in a few key indicators. In this assignment you will create a specific dashboard for an operating unit of a healthcare organization.Select and describe a specific healthcare operating unit. Examples are an emergency department surgical service specific nursing unit or physicians office practice. Select a type of healthcare service you are familiar with.
Locate at least three recent (within the past 4 years) journal articles from professional and peer reviewed journals that discuss dashboard balanced scorecard or performance measurement. Write a brief review of the articles and give complete citations.
Based on the literature review and your knowledge of the unit create four categories of measurement. They must include both clinical and financial categories. Describe the categories and write a justification for each.
For each category create at least three specific performance measures. For each measure describe how it is calculated and where the data is found.
Explain how the performance measures may change if the unit of analysis is the organization as a whole and not the specific operating unit.Present all your work in a 5-page report. Format the report in APA style.

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