Discuss how you can apply one or more of the health promotion strategies or concepts described in the journal article to your clinical practice.

Health Promotion Paper
Directions and Grading Rubric
Purpose and overall description of assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of how nurse practitioners apply health promotion concepts and strategies in community-based programs and clinical practice.
Select and read one (1) of the journal articles listed below that describes a health promotion concept or strategy. Discuss what you learned about health promotion concepts and strategies from reading this article and how public health nursing concepts learned in the course were reinforced.
Integrate what you have learned in the course into your discussion and cite at least two (2) of the course resources (journal articles assigned or included in Extras on D2L textbook the Community Guide AHRQ or other course materials) in addition to the journal article.
Discuss how you can apply one or more of the health promotion strategies or concepts described in the journal article to your clinical practice. Discuss how you plan to continue to develop your knowledge and skills in health promotion and how you can integrate what you have learned in this course into your future practice.
Please limit your paper to four pages not including cover page and references. APA format is required. Due date: Tuesday March 31 2015

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