Discuss the role the manager plays in an employee’s career development.

Organizations often have a vested interest in their employees and provide a means to boost each employee’s performance and career development. Given the methods discussed in this module’s readings, examine the role of the manager in an employee’s career development and in a 3- to 4-pages report indicate ways in which the manager could improve opportunities for employee development and growth and the reasons for the suggested improvements.
Utilizing scholarly resources, research various methods an organization uses in the career development of its employees. In 3- to 4-pages:
• Determine and describe at least three opportunities that an organization may present to encourage employee career development and performance.
• Explain the pros and cons of each of these opportunities.
• Discuss the role the manager plays in an employee’s career development.
• Determine and explain which roles are the easiest and which the most difficult for a typical manager.
• Select at least two methods that may be used to measure the effectiveness of each development opportunity provided by the organization or management (from Step 2). Justify your answer

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