GVO development 360

Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


ACTIVITY CODE list is your DOF Activity Code List

Your GVI Listings is a spreadsheet to check for personnel on the inactive codes that we’ve identified.

– Your budget book may have verbiage discrepancies and information that isn’t placed in any of the files and should be utilized to cross reference as you work on your workbook

FY23 Consolation v3 File and PMU consolidation file- Both files are current and are being reported on. They should be cross-referenced and used while filling out your assigned workbook below. I have filed it out. Please make sure all data is filed and that nothing is missing. Please leave comments, place information if needed, and add data if required. ( i will have to email them to you as they to big

Directions for Assignment:

ACTIVITY CODES FILE should replicate the DOF report; each AC code should be in numerical order, color-coded as applicable in the AC List Draft, then from there you will use the GVI personnel listing spreadsheet to check for personnel on the inactive codes that we’ve identified.


AC List Draft is the workbook you’ll be working on. Please follow the color legend.