How was the strategy to achieve this indicator developed?

Department of Health Evaluation Planning Template

Project title:

Evaluation purpose:

Please write this answer in dot points rather than paragraph. The flow of dot points should be correct and accurateKey questions:

Key questions should not be simple it should more complex and related to the project article. There should be a wow factor in all the key question. Basic questions ae not permitted. Most logical question relating to the case studies is required.Example
How was the Health Plan developed?
How was the strategy to achieve this indicator developed?
How was Health Plan monitored?
How was the strategy monitored? Were the timelines reached?
Evaluation resources:

Please write all resources in dot points that are subject to the article
Monetary resources
Facilities required
equipmentsEvaluation design:

We need to add Pre and post design cohort designs time series (use more than 2 designs). Integrate it with data. Which design is related to which aspect? It should be very concrete and specific clear and tangible.
Experimental designs
quasi-experimental design
Observational designs
triangulation design
Randomized Control Trials
Data collection methods:

Qualitative and Quantitative research methods
Range of experience interrelationship frequencies scale of changes respresentivness enquires group interviews (focus groups dyads) observations (participants external) document analysis media analysis audio video material exhibits triangulation methods self-reflective audit trails validity relevance of project strategy evidence of responsiveness in past.

Evaluation Planning Template
Priority Area:
Goal:Target population/s:Objective
Impact indicators
Evaluation methods/tools
Timelines and responsibilities

Process indicators
Evaluation methods/tools
Timelines and responsibilities

Impact indicators
Evaluation methods/tools
Timelines and responsibilities

Process indicators
Evaluation methods/tools
Timelines and responsibilities

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