Identify a health issue reported in the print media (during this trimester) that is of interest to you this will serve as the subject of your assignment

Identify a health issue reported in the print media (during this trimester) that is of interest to you this will
serve as the subject of your assignment. You will need to include a copy of the article at the end of your
paper so the marker can review your selection. You can only submit ONE (1) document so the article
needs to be included as part of your paper.
Read the report edited by Wilkinson and Marmot Social determinants of health: The solid
facts (2003) which can be accessed at
The authors identify ten (10) social determinants of health. In reality several social determinants discussed
in this report tend to impact on people at any one time. Demonstrate your understanding of this important
document by explaining how any two (2) of the social determinants discussed in the report influence the
health issue and the associated health outcomes mentioned in your media selection. To demonstrate further
self-directed reading your assignment must also draw on at least one (1) additional journal article that is
relevant to your selected health issue and social determinants of health. Note your paper must be properly
referenced using the Harvard or APA reference styles.

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