Identify a peer reviewed, research study published within the last five years, on one of the disorders of sleep covered this week.

Discussion 1 This week you were introduced to the sensory systems which include the visual, auditory, olfactory, taste and the body senses. Evolution would suggest that each sensory system is of significant importance to maintaining the human organism. For this discussion, imagine you are a professor giving a lecture on the evolutionary importance of the sensory systems. Prepare a summary of your argument. Identify which is the most important sensory system for human survival. Your discussion should also indicate which system is the least important from the perspective of the survival of the fittest. Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source published within the last five years. Discussion 2 You were introduced to different but related topics this week, namely sleep and consciousness. For this discussion you will focus on a disorder of one of these topics. Option B: Identify a peer reviewed, research study published within the last five years, on one of the disorders of sleep covered this week. The research study should be focused on elucidating the cause or a new treatment for this disorder. You should be sure to include a discussion of theories surrounding this disorder and how this research interacts with current theories. Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words.

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