Identify at least three short-term goals (1-2 years)

Short/Long Term Goals/ Strengths/Weakness
Order Description
To prepare:
Review the SMART Goals Learning Resources
Consider professional goals that you might select to help focus on your transition from RN to NP practice.
For this Assignment write a paper that addresses the following:
Identify at least three short-term goals (1-2 years)
Identify at least three long-term goals (3-5 years)
Explain why you selected each goal and how they relate to your professional career development
Create a strategic plan that explains how you might achieve each of these goals.
To prepare:
2.Complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners
Identify at least three strengths
Explain why you consider these strengths and what you can do to maintain them in your practice
Identify at least three weaknesses
Explain how you plan to address each weakness
Examine at least three clinical skills you need to obtain prior to exiting the program
Explain how you plan to master the clinical skills before exiting NP program
Analyze the history of advanced practice nurses and the emerging role of your specialty area and discuss what contributions you plan to make to advance the nursing profession

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