Identify screening tests that would be appropriate for this individual based on the criteria presented in this module.

Please this is not an essay. Just respond to all parts of the question with separate refernces.
1.Select an individual (this can be you a friend a family member or a client). Identify screening tests that would be appropriate for this individual based on the criteria presented in this module. Explain what those criteria are. Remember to consider risk factors age ethnic background culture environment and current health status. You can use the national health objectives found in Healthy People 2020 as a resource for determining current screening recommendations and risks
For this question please use a 38yr old African American female
2. After reading the discussion section of Community Education for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Risk Factor Change in the Minnesota Heart Health Program please respond to the following questions:
What interventions are identified?
Were the interventions successful? What was the nature of the successful interventions (i.e. was it a health education intervention that worked)?
Were the successful interventions cost effective?
Were the successful interventions reliable (i.e. could they be reproduced)?
What changes would you recommend to optimize the success of the outcomes?

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