Identify the varieties of national heritage, language spoken at home, socioeconomic level, educational level, family size, and religion that are represented in the area you are researching.

Research other timely sites that give thorough demographic or census information. Choose an area that interests you, maybe the city or zip code where you live, and research the demographics of the area using relevant and timely sources.

Identify the varieties of national heritage, language spoken at home, socioeconomic level, educational level, family size, and religion that are represented in the area you are researching.

For this assignment, write a two-part essay (750 words) in APA style explaining the demographics of this area and the intercultural communication implications they demonstrate.

Part 1-The first section of the essay should attentively describe the demographics in specific detail.

Part 2- The second section should comprehensively explain the implications based on the readings in the textbook and the observations in the research.

Finally, thoughtfully respond to what you have discovered from the readings:

1.How did you respond to the results?

2.What are some of the possible intercultural communication opportunities locally?

3.Do you need to learn more about the people in your area or the language they speak in order to communicate with them?

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