Label and action

Learning Goal: I’m working on a kinesiology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Include the action(s) of each muscle with your labels

  1. Masseter
  2. Temporalis
  3. Digastric
  4. Sternocleidomastoid
  5. Omohyoid
  6. External Oblique
  7. Internal Oblique
  8. Transversus Abdominis
  9. Diaphragm
  10. Internal Intercostals
  11. Pectoralis Minor
  12. Serratus Anterior
  13. Levator Scapulae
  14. Rhomboid minor
  15. Latissimus dorsi
  16. Supraspinatus
  17. Teres minor
  18. Subscapularis
  19. Triceps brachii
  20. Brachialis