Category: Kinesiology

Infant Research Activity

Learning Goal: I’m working on a kinesiology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Read the paper Unintentional Error in Fromula Preparation (Attached) and answer the following questions 1. If the amount of calories are equal between breast milk and formula, what are the proposed reasons for why formula fed […]

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Label and action

Learning Goal: I’m working on a kinesiology question and need guidance to help me learn. Include the action(s) of each muscle with your labels Masseter Temporalis Digastric Sternocleidomastoid Omohyoid External Oblique Internal Oblique Transversus Abdominis Diaphragm Internal Intercostals Pectoralis Minor Serratus Anterior Levator Scapulae Rhomboid minor Latissimus dorsi Supraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis Triceps brachii Brachialis

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Human anatomy labeling

Learning Goal: I’m working on a kinesiology question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Please label the attached photos cant use any google pictures have to use the ones attached parietal bone sphenoid bone hyoid bone palatine bone vomer bone inferior nasal concha coronal suture lambdoid suture occipital condyles squamous part […]

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