Large Journal

Spend some time thinking back over the course of the semester. We have covered information about diversity and culture; race/ethnicity; gender, sex, and sexuality; the Color of Justice; violence; and cultural competency/humility. Which topic or subtopic was the most interesting for you and which was the most uncomfortable? Many of these topics are uncomfortable for people for a variety of reasons, but I am definitely willing to say that the violence module – specifically in regard to sexual assault – is the most uncomfortable for me. I think most women have experienced some form of unwanted sexual advances, which makes it all too easy to put yourself in the role of a victim. It is uncomfortable, but we need to talk about it to gain understanding. Share your thoughts about your two picks and why you liked or didn’t like covering them.

This should be no less than 350 words. If you use a source, cite it (in-text and bibliography) in APA format. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and respectful language are required.