Category: Law

Evolving legal standards

8. Study of the evolving legal standards for defining and prosecuting white-collar crimes, including corporate fraud, insider trading, and money laundering, in response to changing economic and technological landscapes: This research aims to analyze the ways in which legal frameworks for addressing white-collar offenses have adapted to technological innovations, globalization trends, and regulatory reforms, considering […]

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Violence Powerpoint

The presentation is only required if your grade at the end of the semester is below 80% (worth 25 points). Anyone else can do the presentation for extra credit (10 points). Those who are not required to do the presentation will have the grade exempted in the gradebook. A new column will be created for […]

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Large Journal

Spend some time thinking back over the course of the semester. We have covered information about diversity and culture; race/ethnicity; gender, sex, and sexuality; the Color of Justice; violence; and cultural competency/humility. Which topic or subtopic was the most interesting for you and which was the most uncomfortable? Many of these topics are uncomfortable for […]

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Legal Issue Paper

 For the final week, you will have due a legal analysis paper. To make it easier, I have decided to upload the article now from which you will have to decipher at least 10 correct legal issues. You will not be expected to write a legal memo but rather just to write legal issues only. Download the article. Every day or week, since you have learned new […]

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patient consent part 2 and 3

  Scenario  2  you no longer represent the hospital. Now, you represent Ms. R. E. Fusal. What arguments would you tell the judge on her behalf? What are your issues with the arguments presented to the judge by the hospital in Post 1? Scenario  3 What is your opinion? What side seemed to have more […]

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Patient consent

  Scenario for Post 1 You represent the hospital, and insist that the hospital has the right to assert the state’s interest over Ms. R. E. Fusal. Ms. Fusal is refusing to accept a blood transfusion. Without it, she will die. The hospital attorney is preparing for a court hearing where the judge will determine […]

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Discussing Issues related to Ethics

  Read the timeline of the Schiavo case at: Do some of your own independent research on Terri Schiavo. You must have at least five (5) sources cited in your paper. Analyze the research in order to determine who was ethically correct in your opinion; the husband or the parents. Write a persuasive research paper […]

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Liabilities Hospitals Face

 You are a hospital administrator who grants privileges to several local doctors. Your liability insurance carrier wants to know what steps you are taking to ensure the competence of those doctors. Provide a list to the insurance company that outlines what  you look for in your doctors. Your goal is to be as complete as […]

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