What are five obstacles that have a tendency to hinder your academic performance?

Health sciences and medicine
Answer the following questions based upon your answers to the survey.
1. Are you surprised by your scores in any areas? Which areas do you need to work on? In one or two sentences describe your current health. What daily behaviors in your life do you feel most contributes to the area in which you scored the lowest?
2. What are five obstacles that have a tendency to hinder your academic performance? Which of those five seems the most trivial to you and why? Do you have the power to change one of the obstacles?
3. What do you feel is your biggest obstacle to strengthening your internal locus of control? What actions can you take this semester to help you feel stronger in this area? Does this struggle seem to unique to you or does it seem common within your group of friends and classmates?
4. If you wanted to help an individual start an exercise routine which model of behavior change would you choose? Why do you see that model as being the most effective? How would you describe this method to the person you were helping?

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