What factors affect the choice of career in early adulthood?

1. What factors affect the choice of career in early adulthood? Do these factors change in middle adulthood? Provide reasons for your answer.2. Many people are choosing to start their families later to devote time to a career. What are the pros and cons of having children in the early to mid 20s as opposed to late 30s to early 40s for both the parents and the children?3. Work-life balance has become an important area of discussion considering the long hours that many people work given our global economy. What are some ways to maintain a work-life balance while moving up the career ladder, raising a family, and maintaining a healthy relationship with a spouse or partner? Explain why you believe these ways are effective.4. People in middle adulthood are often considered the sandwich generation because they have older children at home and are also taking care of their aging parents. What are a few of the issues that these people face? What effect does this have on their lives?

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