Category: Education

Langauage of Negotiation

     Instructions: From the notes that you have made please answer the questions below. Ensure that you do the correct in-text citation if you make reference to the literature. Examples from the data must be used to illustrate your answers. an upload of the negotiation will be provided You have been given an excerpt of […]

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ICL 7659 – Module 10

 Discussion Question #1: Of the events (anti-communism crusade, the brainwashing of POWs, etc.), do you believe any of these events were directly related to social studies failure?  Why? Discussion Question #2: After analyzing the general themes and outcomes of the new social studies curriculum, do you believe such a curriculum revolution would create a better […]

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Clinical Field Experience B: Lesson Plan Review

   Seeking feedback from peers is something quality educators do consistently. Being open to constructive feedback will ensure teachers are constantly improving as instructors and professionals.  Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.  Meet with your mentor teacher to review the lesson plan you created  in Topic 4. In […]

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Integrating Technology

  Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.    1.  Identify 1-2 websites that are student-friendly and focus on building reading, writing, and vocabulary skills. Provide a link to the websites along with an informative summary of the website and how it could be […]

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allen brothers

   You are to locate research articles on your pre-approved topic. that highlights the general theme(s) of these articles as it pertains to your topic. A reference sheet, listing the articles should also be included (this does not count toward your page limit). This summary should serve as the background/foundation of your topic and frame […]

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Verbal And Nonverbal Dimensions Of Relationships

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.   1.  Language is often described as a kind of soup in that language influences the ways in which we see the world, express ourselves, and express ideas about the world. How do our beliefs and […]

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Listening to Self and Others

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.   1. What are the differences between emotions, feelings, and moods? What are some approaches shared by communication scholars to managing negative moods?  2. What are the main barriers to active listening in your close relationships? […]

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apa 2

  Part A: In the paragraph below there are 3 direct quotes and/or paraphrases, rewrite the paragraph in correct APA format. The day has come for the patient to see the nurse practitioner prior to his trip abroad. By having a pretravel assessment at least 6 weeks before departure, the provider may assess the timing, […]

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Orthographic Mapping

Orthographic mapping includes connecting letters to letter sounds to support reading by visually seeing the letters and words. Through this mapping process, a connection is made between the correct spelling sequences and the words we know. The phoneme-grapheme relationships are the foundational building blocks of the orthographic code. Orthographic mapping is the process that all […]

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