Category: Environmental Science

BIOL 1132 – Research Project Powerpoint

ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE PDF BELOW PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS.THIS IS A POWERPOINT. I will type them here as well. Environmental Science is becoming an increasingly important topic these days. From global warming to air pollution, population expansion and how we will use resources to move our species into the 22nd century and beyond how […]

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need bullet points for my slides

I need bullet points for my presentation slides to present in. the class. I have 3 slides and I need bullet points for each slide and extra information regarding those slides to present in the class very well with my group members. I will attach the slides down below. Just the first 3 slides please […]

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1 page, include referenice. SWS FORMAT Please respond to the following. Remember to use a respectful tone and language appropriate for a learning environment in your post and replies when discussing this potentially controversial topic: In the event of a viral outbreak in a U.S. state, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think it […]

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Global Warming help

 It has been proven that global warming is occurring and is having on impact on our biosphere.  There is no argument about this.  However, there is some uncertainty as to the cause.  In a minimum of 4 written pages, discuss the evidence that supports the concept that global warming is due to anthropogenic activities, the […]

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Discussion help

Do a literature search and compare the rates of asthma and other upper respiratory diseases in the residents of states that have high levels of atmospheric pollution (e.g. California, Michigan, New York, New Jersey) with states that have low levels of atmospheric pollution (e.g. Florida, Oklahoma, Montana, Nebraska).  Should the EPA be doing more to […]

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Risk Communication

Complete the following: Think of an environmental risk that occurs in nature. You can look ahead to Chapter 4, “Living with Nature,” if needed. Briefly describe the risk. Assess the likelihood of public outrage related to this natural risk based on its characteristics and the outrage-related features. Why is it important to recognize the likelihood […]

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Environmental Science Question

Pick a country in the middle east. – I have provide the sample to edit and fill in The Country Physiographic Descriptions pertain to a specific geographic region of the world. One country from that particular region of the world is chosen for each Country Physiographic Description assignment. Country Physiographic Description must contain a paragraph […]

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Environmental Science Question

5 to 6 pages essay to address the following:- What are the adaptation challenges that the climate crisis poses to cities? How are cities going about planning for these challenges? Describe the different scenarios or imaginaries that characterize these different approaches. Is Boston taking climate risks seriously enough? Can we continue business-as-usual in the city […]

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Case study and solution

For this assignment you will be reading a case study and watching a documentary about energy usage. The case study is given in the document attached above and the documentary is given in the Section 4 energy folder. After reviewing both you will be coming up a solution to the case study questions. This solution […]

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