Category: Fitness

Benefits of exercise Power Point Presentation

Most of the blogs/wikis on-line are copied and pasted from a common source, so dont use these as any of your sources for the Power Point please, focus on what the topic (benefits of exercise), focus on how it affects the body, how this relates to long-term health, etc. – At a minimum, your presentation […]

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Year long program design

A detailed program design for a specific sport. It should include all training seasons thatspan an entire calendar year, examples of exercises with pictures for uncommon exercises, number ofreps, sets, and intensity for each training season for all aspects of the program, such as resistancetraining, plyometrics, speed workouts and cardio, as well as any and […]

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Week 6 Fuel Discussion

Learning Goal: I’m working on a fitness discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Our theme for week 4 is Fuel and this is a great time to start making our food choices a big part of our weekly health and wellness practices. This week your assignment is to answer […]

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Week 6- Workout 1

Learning Goal: I’m working on a fitness report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Week 6 already! Make it a week with great ENERGY and use that energy for focused and fun workouts. Choose 7 Exercises out of this list of 10 and do 50 Reps! That can be 5 sets […]

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