Category: Html / CSS

Web Development Project

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to create, upload, validate a website, while learning basic skills in web development. Websites development, quality assurance and sight designers are all positions available for those who desire to work for companies or for state/local government. Web pages are viewed across several platforms including computers, smartphones, smart televisions, […]

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Build Personal Website in html/CSS

Learning Goal: I’m working on a html / css exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1-all the details in the PDF file 2- for my personal information to use in the website: my name is sharefa tawfiq altowairqi i study in king Abdulaziz university in FCIT my major is information […]

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Html / CSS Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a html / css multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. I need you to exactly what he asked you to do in the uploaded Form and please save the templet in your desktop the put the answers under the questions in the templet then […]

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electric taxi website

Learning Goal: I’m working on a html / css project and need support to help me learn. The submission should contain: An easy to navigate website (covers P4-P5) that includes: 1. Navigation Bootstrap components: Carousel, Navbar, Breadcrumbs, Tabs. 2. Responsive layout using Bootstrap column system. 3. Basic scripting with JavaScript. Rubrics Responsive design (20%): The […]

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