Category: Nursing

Nursing Question

Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient. Interview a friend or family member who is 65 years or older about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions. Suggested interview questions: Did a patient education […]

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Adolescent and Adult Development Presentation

G217/DEP2004 Section 04 Human Growth and Development (5.5 Weeks) – Online Plus – 2024 Spring Quarter Term 1 Module 05 Assignment – Adolescent and Adult Development Presentation Module 05 Content Scenario You are a Drug Treatment Specialist for Wayne County, Michigan. You work specifically as the intake coordinator for the adolescent and adult drug and […]

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Nursing Question

I AM ATTACHING MY RESUME TO HELP WITH EXPLAINING MY EXPERIENCE. Formatting: Name, Title of Document (Application Essay), Date Include header/page numbers 2-3 pages (main body), double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font Directions Use the information from your own personal and professional preparation to answer the following questions in your application essay for the B.S. […]

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Nursing Question

Use the information from your own personal and professional preparation to answer the following questions in your application essay for the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program: How have your life and professional experiences prepared you for the WGU B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program? Previous experience Educational background Community involvement How can the WGU nursing program prepare you […]

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Nursing Question

Use the information from your own personal and professional preparation to answer the following questions in your application essay for the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program: How have your life and professional experiences prepared you for the WGU B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program? Previous experience Educational background Community involvement How can the WGU nursing program prepare you […]

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Psychological Disorders.

In this exercise, you will complete a Mind Map Template togauge your understanding of this weeks content. Select one of thepossible topics provided to complete your MindMap Template. Generalized anxiety disorder Depression Bipolar disorders Schizophrenia Delirium and dementia Obsessive compulsive disease Submit your MindMap Template by Day 7 of Week 9.

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Interprofessional Team

Reading: Chapter 19 in Yoder-Wise (2019) discusses the ability of nurses to work effectively in a leadership role as an integral part of a health care team is paramount. Coordinated and collaborative teams of health professionals are essential in acute care settings but also essential in many community settings such as in schools, planning disaster […]

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Please respond to discussion below using current APA edition and 2 scholarly references. Must be at least 150 words. My clinical experience for this week continued to be rewarding and challenging as well. The patient I encountered this week had neurological problems, particularly related to a decline in cognition and mobility. This encounter was an […]

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Logit regression (or logistic regression) PRACTICE EXERCISE 5

To analyze the data using the logistic regression model (logit) in Excel, we will need to use the free Excel add-in I introduced earlier called RegressItLogistic. We used it to do Regression Analysis in Practice Exercise #4.For Practice Exercise #5, please run the three models (using the HMGT400Hospital.CSV dataset we have used for all exercises) […]

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