Category: Religion

Worksheet 13

please read the following before class: betancourt, transgender lives, 89-120 worksheet questions (remember to include quotes from the texts): what are two things that stood out to you from this chapter and why? how does betancourt navigate the range of terminology? why does this discussion matter? what’s at stake? why might these narratives have been […]

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Worksheet 14

betancourt, queer sensations, 121-60 [in-class]: worksheet questions (remember to include quotes from the texts): what are two things from this chapter that stand out to you and why? what is the big takeaway for you? in what ways might this be helpful in our current situation?

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Byzantine Christianity work

Please complete these two separate short assignments. Assignment 1:for this assignment, submit a formal petition to emperor Constantine that outlines what you want to accomplish with this council (drawing upon your role sheet for this). it only needs to be a sizable paragraph and should be submitted early enough that the emperor can examine them […]

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Religion Question

I am attaching a rough draft. Please add and revise accordingly. To elicit your informed opinions and to consider how they affect your understanding of the mission of God and the role you play in your present and future ministry. How the foundations for Biblical mission impacted your spiritual, academic, and ministry life. Textbooks: The […]

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Response to 2 articles

I have 2 different articles and I would like a single-spaced page essay for each article (No more than 1 single-spaced page for each article). Please engage with the reading more in a personal manner such as if the knowledge in the article is new to you or if it is not new what do […]

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Religion Question

Description of assignment or project: Students will visit a local Catholic Church and Mosque and write a 1 2 page reflection paper on their experience and what they learned from the visit. If you cannot attend the Catholic Church and/or Mosque visit on the assigned day, contact your instructor to arrange a separate time to […]

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Pastoral Theology

1. (Original Content Only) (600 words) (APA format) (APA in-text citations are a must) Watch all 3 GYH videos and read all GYH academic resources for weeks 3. GYH video Links: Each member will bring to the group one takeaway from each of the videos and articles. Group members will take turns sharing their insights […]

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Religious Studies/Workplace Conflict

1. (3 paragraphs) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a must) Discussion Topic In 3 paragraphs, explain your reactions to the video on how Steve Jobs runs his organization. Do you agree or disagree on his organizational approach? Do you think his approach helps promote or reduce stress in an organization? 2. (1 paragraph description per […]

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Religion Question

OVERVIEW The purpose of the individual biblical integration paper is to explore the topic of servantleadership in a non-exhaustive scholarly manner that will be useful in your chosen field. In thisindividual project, learners will be able to demonstrate comprehension of man-centered(contemporary/worldly) and Christ-centered (biblical) servant leadership as it relates toleadership assumptions and methods. Learners will […]

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Religion Question

Task summary: Watch video , find something that resonates with your viewing of the film and Describe why Pope Francis considers the environment an urgent issue of social justice . Full order description: Dear Freelancer, please write MAIN DETAILS: View the film about Laudato Si and then page through Laudato Si after you have completed […]

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